Project Name: Protection Community Center In Bani Al-Harith District at Amanat Al-Asimah.

Amanat Al-Asimah
Summary of the project:
Life Makers Meeting Place Organization (LMMPO) has implemented a 15-month protection project funded by YHPF (Project Code: #10286) to respond to the protection gaps and needs of the conflict-affected and host populations in Bani Al-Hareth District (Wadhi Ahmed
Sub-district), Amanat Al-Asimah. The interventions have been based on the establishment of one community center (in Bani Al-Harith) in which a variety of essential protection services were provided. The community center started with training and qualifying a team on case management and other essential protection concepts and principles. The project included many protection activities which depend on case management approach for unaccompanied and separated children and for adults via provision of legal (IDs), cash and livelihood assistance (making incense and sewing/dressmaking training courses). The overall outcome has been ensuring the provision of the essential life-saving protection services and assistance to the most vulnerable, conflict-affected individuals in the targeted area.
Bani Al-Harith District at Amanat Al-Asimah
Most affected people including IDPs and host communities (11,033 people