: Integrated Shelter, NFI, CCCM, Protection and WASH Assistance for the most vulnerable IDPs and host communities in Khayran Al-Muharraq and Mustaba districts in Hajja governorate # YEM-17/3420/2SA 2017/SHNFICCM-Protection-WASH/NGO/7023.
This integrated response project, funded by YHPF (Project Code: #7023), successfully achieved its main objectives that addressed urgent needs of the most vulnerable IDPs and host communities by ensuring access to a minimum package to protection, WASH, and shelter/ NFI services in 4 IDPs hosting sites in Mustaba and Khayran Al-Muharraq districts in Hajjah Governorate. The project lasted for 15 months throughout 2018 and up to March 2019.
LMMPO was the first local NGO that succeeded in operating 4
child-friendly spaces (CFS) within Mustaba and Khayran Al-Muharaq with a total of 966 children benefiting from psycho-social support and case management. LMMPO distributed school kits, food baskets, wheelchairs, and crutches to children with special needs in addition to providing legal assistance to children that was carried out through issuing 154 birth certificates and 175 IDs to vulnerable adults.
The hosting sites have also benefited from WASH assistance (rehabilitation and installation of complete solar systems for 9 wells, construction of 60 community latrines, awareness raisings sessions, and distribution of basic and consumable hygiene kits). And finally, 3000 HHs received shelter/NFIs assistance in both districts. The project impacted the life of all the beneficiaries greatly.

Hajjah Governorate (Mustba & Khayran Al-Muhrraq districts)
The most affected people including IDPs and host communities.
7500 HHs
were provided with consumable hygiene kits
Main outcomes
175 vulnerable adults were provided with legal assistance (IDs).
9 water sources (wells) were rehabilitated via installation of complete solar systems and water points.
Awareness raising sessions on hygiene and life-saving key messages were carried out.
3000 HHs were provided with NFIs.
7500 HHs were provided with consumable hygiene kits.
1500 HHs were provided with basic hygiene kits.