Project Name:Child Protection (5 Years Partnership) #9649.
Amanat Al-Asimah
Life Makers Meeting Place Organization (LMMPO) has implemented an 8-month (May to December, 2018) protection project funded by SCI to respond to the protection gaps and needs of the conflict-affected in Azal and Al-Sabean districts, Amanat Al-Asimah through establishing and functioning 2 child-friendly spaces (CFSs) (one CFS in each district). The 2 CFSs provided a variety of essential protection services and recreational activities. The CFSs started with training and qualifying children protection teams. The project included many protection activities, such as case management, advocacy sessions, and open days. The overall outcome is that vulnerable and conflict-affected children have been provided with quality case management, multi-sectoral services, and PSS via the child protection committees. The project ended in strengthening the protective environment of children affected by armed conflict in Yemen.
Al-Sabeen & Azal Districts, Amanat Al- Asima .
Save the Children (SCI) - Yemen
1188 of the most affected children in the communities
Main outcomes
Improved psychology of children inside and outside the CFS, and the violence cases decreased..
number of cases were provided with multi-sectoral services under the case management system (medical glasses and wheelchairs were distributed to children with disabilities).
number of low-income and IDP children were assisted with school uniforms, school kits, shelter kits, and medicine
Awareness of the targets on a number of issues and fields.
Educational and health levels of the CFS beneficiaries improved.