Name of the project: Flash Mob Peace project
Main outcomes
- Implementing 3 flash mob projects about peace in different locations.
- Raising awareness of the importance of peace among society.
Location : Amanat Al-Asimah .
Name of the project: Child-friendly Space Project
Main outcomes
1) The targeted children's psychosocial status improved through support services, and their mental health was restored.
2) The lives of the CFS children improved, and their potential was stimulated.
3) Reduced violence and an improvement in the psyche of children inside and outside the space.
4) The educational and health levels of children improved, and the level of violence declined.
5) The level of awareness of the children’s families was raised on violence and childcare issues
Location : : Al-Sabeen District – Amanat Al-Asimah
Name of the project:Single window project at the Ministry of
Agriculture and Irrigation
Executive summary:
Corruption exists in many local institutions and organizations. Therefore, Life Makers Meeting Place Organization (LMMPO), funded by Governance Response Program (GRP), implemented the "Single Window Project” at the Ministry of Agriculture and Irrigation in Amanat Al-Asimah for a period of 6 months from March to September 2012, targeting 700 different relevant people (investors, media workers, farmers, concerned organizations and unions, and members of the general public.) The project, as its name reveals, is like a one-stop shop system where the official procedures related to the public/the clients are done through systematic steps. The interested public/clients should just put their files or requests in an office/window and wait for the procedure to be completed automatically by the employees themselves. The project also focused on the complaint mechanism. The project was facilitated by a group of consultants and national trainers, and it aimed to put in place an automatic system in governmental institutions to limit the spread of financial and administrative corruption within those institutions via a transparent system fighting bribes and mediation. The idea was to increase the investment and raise the level of performance of the national economy, especially in the agricultural sector. At the end of the project, all beneficiaries expressed their interest and satisfaction with the system, and the attendees became aware of how the single window system and complaint mechanism work. However, the establishment of the window system in the Ministry of Agriculture stopped due to the reshuffling of the Ministry and the rejection of the single-window project later on.
Main outcomes
700 people, including investors, media workers, farmers, and concerned organization and unions' representatives, realized the importance of the single-window system and the complaint mechanism.
Location :Ministry of Agriculture and Irrigation – Amanat Al-Asimah
Donor: Governance Response Program (GRP)
Name of the project: Qualifying and Capacity Building
Main outcomes
149 children were provided with learning skills and psychological support.
A youth council was formed with 60 volunteers and implemented 45 activities.
100 teachers have better skills in innovative teaching methods.
4. 550 youth received multiple trainings in the development fields.
5. 130 students from the orphanage were trained for job markets.
6. 40 trainees were trained on healthy intellectual.
Location : Amanat Al-Asimah.
Donor: LMMPO
Name of the project:
Health Protection Campaign
Main outcomes
Health groups were created in targeted schools to raise awareness through school presentations/speeches.
Targeted beneficiaries:
Males and females aged 15-45 (in schools, universities, institutes & public gatherings)
Location : AL-Sabeen District, Amanat Al-Asimah .
Donor: LMMPO
Name of the project:
My School is Safe Campaign
Main outcomes
1. The issuance of a document for all the conflict parties to stipulate the protection of schools and remove any causes of conflict in them.
2. Many children returned to their schools in the targeted areas after the campaigns.
3. Establishing entering school rules and regulations for visitors and students to maintain the security of those schools.
Location : Al-Amanah – Amran – Dhamar – Sana’a
Name of the project:
National Dialogue Issues through Mobile Interactive Theater
Main outcomes
- The awareness of the local community was raised through the implementation of 38 theatrical performances on the transitional stage and the importance of dialogue.
- 20 Flash Mob shows were implemented in several locations in (malls, gardens, governmental foundations, and at the headquarters of the National Dialogue Conference).
- A field research study was carried out and resulted in hiring 30% of female teachers.
Location : Governorates: Amanat Al-Asimah, Amran, Aden, Lahj, Abyan, Taiz, Thamar, Al-Jawf and Shabwah.
Donor: International Organization for Migration (IOM) - RGP