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Various projects

13 Years of Success

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The idea of the project centered on implementing awareness seminars for fourth-year students from Sana’a University, in which students were made aware of the outcomes of the national dialogue that concern them, represented by the decisions issued by the comprehensive and sustainable development team related to learning.
A dialogue forum was held in the presence of representatives/ members of the National Dialogue and legal personalities in the educational sector, which included 100 male and female students from various faculties of Sana’a University to discuss education through table discussions. The 100 students were divided into 10 groups. Each group discussed part of the outputs and from Then present the proposals to the rest of the groups at the end of the session.

Main outcomes

Statement issued by the students of 10 colleges in Sanaa University in advocacy for the outcomes of the national dialogue related to higher education issues


Amanat Al-Asimah



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