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Various projects

13 Years of Success

Project Name

Single window project at the Ministry of
Agriculture and Irrigation


Corruption exists in many local institutions and organizations. Therefore, Life Makers Meeting Place Organization (LMMPO), funded by Governance Response Program (GRP), implemented the "Single Window Project” at the Ministry of Agriculture and Irrigation in Amanat Al-Asimah for a period of 6 months from March to September 2012, targeting 700 different relevant people (investors, media workers, farmers, concerned organizations and unions, and members of the general public.) The project, as its name reveals, is like a one-stop shop system where the official procedures related to the public/the clients are done through systematic steps. The interested public/clients should just put their files or requests in an office/window and wait for the procedure to be completed automatically by the employees themselves. The project also focused on the complaint mechanism. The project was facilitated by a group of consultants and national trainers, and it aimed to put in place an automatic system in governmental institutions to limit the spread of financial and administrative corruption within those institutions via a transparent system fighting bribes and mediation. The idea was to increase the investment and raise the level of performance of the national economy, especially in the agricultural sector. At the end of the project, all beneficiaries expressed their interest and satisfaction with the system, and the attendees became aware of how the single window system and complaint mechanism work. However, the establishment of the window system in the Ministry of Agriculture stopped due to the reshuffling of the Ministry and the rejection of the single-window project later on.

Main outcomes

700 people, including investors, media workers, farmers, and concerned organization and unions' representatives, realized the importance of the single-window system and the complaint mechanism.


Ministry of Agriculture and Irrigation – Amanat Al-Asimah


Governance Response Program (GRP)

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