Provision of Food Humanitarian Assistance for IDPs & host communities in Hodeida (Zabid & Al-Sukhnah districts of Hodaida) #4267

Assess the overall project implementation progress
The project has finished, all or most of the planned activities were implemented
LMMPO has successfully completed all the project activities on time in in Zabied and Al-Suqnah districts in Hodeida Governorate. The project has targeted the most affected IDPs, returnees and Host Communities in both districts. The project has included the following activities:
1- Orientation workshop
Since the project proposal writing, LMMPO is always keen at involving direct beneficiaries and various local authorities in the planning and implementation of any project. Therefore, this workshop was funded by LMMPO to facilitate the project implementation and to ensure humanitarian principles are considered at various activity implementation. The workshop was facilitated by LMMPO staff and it includes the following:
• Standards of the humanitarian works in emergencies and introduction to the food project (its objectives, targets, implementation mechanisms, forming Community Control Committees and roles of various stakeholders).
• Coordination mechanism: the participants have agreed upon certain principles in their work in this project, which will be the seed for similar coordination mechanisms with other local and international NGOs working in Hodeida. Executive Unit Representatives at the two districts, Local Councils Officials and local NGOs, agreed these principles.
The participants were requested to prepare implementation plans for the project activities within their responsibilities to ensure better coordination and effective roles of various stakeholders
2-Selection and training of the Local control committee (CCC)
The section CCC was based on a criteria and announcement for the position, during the section which was in presence of the local Authority. 10 men and 10 women were selected as a community control committee. A training workshop was planned to be implemented for 3 days of training but LMMPO noticed that all the agenda topics need 4 days as well as 2 days field visit for practicum as the trainees need to implement whatever learned in reality.
4- Rapid Assessment,
Rapid needs assessment was completed smoothly in corporation with the executive Unit and other government authorities, data entry and analyses also completed. Beneficiaries were selected according to verification made during the needs assessments in the light of the selection criteria. After the coordination with the food cluster and the local authority, the rapid assessment was supposed to start on March 10, 2017, but due to the security situation according the executive unit notification form, the rapid assessment was postponed to a further notification, after flowing up with executive unit in Al Hudaydah governorate and the local authority in Zabid and Al Sukhnah districts, we were able to start the rapid assessment in the targeted districts.
6- 4 round of General food assistance distribution
• 1000 HHs beneficiaries in Al Zabid district
• 750 HHs beneficiaries in Al Sukhnah district
LMMPO team in partnership with Hodeida Girls Association and in corporation with the Community Control Committees, Executive Unit, local authority lunched the first general food assistance distribution in Al Sukhnah district at Al Misbar distribution center for 325 HHs, the distribution started at 8:30 AM till 5:30 PM, women and people with special need received their food basket first. (More details on attached Project report in doc. tab).
7- Awareness raising sessions: CCC has conducted 180 awareness sessions and 20 sessions were added on cholera prevention and treatment. It was clear that the local community individuals men, women, boys and girls have attended the awareness sessions besides the beneficiary of this project and this was an added value of this project which went beyond the expected beneficiaries and a success story for CCC who added 20 sessions on cholera and who were able to include others.
8- PDM was carried out and it indicated that LMMPO and other stakeholder has successfully provided the humanitarian assistance in good manne

Zabid & Al-Sukhnah districts of Hodaida
13178 beneficiaries
Main outcomes
- 1750 vulnerable HHs provided with food assistance in 3 rounds.